A cherry tree in full bloom this week on the grounds of the Jefferson Building of the Library of Congress, looking toward...
College students are ideal victims for identity theft, with clean or nonexistent credit histories ripe for exploitation … and often clueless about...
Spring cleaning shouldn’t end with a yard sale or Goodwill drop-off. Here are some seasonally appropriate sprucing tips to reduce your risk...
More Americans last year complained about scammers playing an identity — most often, that of an IRS or other government official —...
How much is that doggy on the computer screen? With a recent resurgence in the longtime Puppy Scam, it’s costing some pet-seekers...
Scams are a reality of real estate. Whether buying, selling or renting property, here’s what to know about some of the sneakiest...
If a Caribbean cruise sounds tempting right about now, there’s an even more seductive lure: a “free” cruise. But before responding to...
True love may be priceless, but searching for it can cost dearly. Among the top-grossing swindles worldwide, romance scams netted fraudsters nearly...
No disrespect to Punxsutawney Phil, but here’s a more realistic winter forecast: When it’s cold outside, utility company impostors turn up the...
Donald Trump won’t be the only one to shake things up. With a new president in the White House, scammers have fresh...