Author: HIPAA Journal / Source: HIPAA Journal
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The recent WannaCry ransomware attacks have highlighted the risks from failing to apply patches and update software promptly; however, a new study conducted by BitSight sought to quantify the level of risk that tardy updates introduce.
For the study, BitSight analyzed the correlation between data breaches and the continued to use old operating systems such as Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP and old versions of web browsers.
Operating systems and browsers used by approximately 35,000 companies from 20 industries were assessed as part of the study. BitSight checked Apple OS and Microsoft Windows operating systems and Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari, and Firefox web browsers.
2,000 of the companies studied (6%) had out of date operating systems on more than half of their computers. BitSight said 8,500 companies were discovered to be using out of date web browsers.
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