Source: Information Security Buzz
IoT is having a profound effect on business. 57 per cent of all global businesses have adopted IoT practices and 72 per cent of those believe their company is more profitable since embracing IoT. With this large scalability, however, comes the potential for catastrophe. More connected devices bring new business challenges around scale, interoperability, security and the management of devices and endpoints. Businesses need to think strategically about IoT adoption and not become caught up in the next wave of innovation. Any size organisation can benefit by connecting IoT to business processes – but, if a strategy is not in place, companies will find themselves throwing endless resources into connecting everything to the internet, rather than just those devices that are critical to their business. As a result, businesses may find themselves tangled in the web of connected devices and lost in the IoT explosion.
To avoid the flying shrapnel, Jordan O’Connor, Technical Team Lead EMEA at SOTI, has five golden rules to follow to ensure businesses reap all the benefits of IoT; without becoming misplaced. The rules follow a ripple effect; that if followed chronologically, will ensure a solid foundation for the IoT estate that companies will be able to gradually develop their IoT structure towards. This will ensure IoT is working solely to improve the business rather than overloading departments with large amounts of useless data, wasting valuable time and resources.
- Perfect the business vision
Businesses need to ensure they have an end goal and there is a clear vision for what needs to be achieved through IoT. This vision needs to be looked at on a larger scale, not just as creating ‘smart’ devices, but enlightening the business by providing customer behaviour intelligence and company activity for the purpose of improving business productivity and cutting costs. There is always room to go beyond the initial end goal as well, by speaking to partners about the future of IoT and the wider impact for industries and businesses.
- Create a clear strategy
Having established a vision, businesses must have a clear strategy for implementing the IoT estate. It is tempting to think everything that has the…
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