Rockstar’s L.A. Noire is in the process of being remastered
You may remember publisher Rockstar games’ – L.A. Noire, from 2011’s various standout games. Receiving fairly positive review scores, L.A. Noire looked like it had a decent amount of potential.
Rockstar’s L.A. Noire is in the process of being remastered… still no sequel though!
You may remember publisher Rockstar games’ – L.A. Noire, from 2011’s various standout games. Receiving fairly positive review scores, L.A. Noire looked like it had a decent amount of potential.
It wasn’t the most unique or original game out there, but it played well and was enjoyed by many – due to its depiction of crime and moral ambiguity.
It was decided that the game would be remastered for current generation consoles – thanks in part to the game’s initial success, it will come to Nintendo Switch, PS4, and Xbox One. That’s not all though, as the game will also have a VR port in the future.
L.A. Noire is considered to have action-adventure elements with neo-noir styled visuals, based in 1940’s Los Angeles – (hence: L.A. Noire). If you liked the original version, consider picking this up – when its release is announced.