Union wants train vandals to get same punishment as murderers and rapists
The United National Transport Union (Untu) says that people who vandalise trains should receive the same punishment as murderers and rapists.
The United National Transport Union (Untu) says that people who vandalise trains should receive the same punishment as murderers and rapists.
Untu's statement comes after trains in Cape Town were set alight, causing many delays. On Monday morning, commuters were forced to wait up to 50 minutes for a train, as a result of vandalism.
Last week, a train was set alight near Koeberg Station in Cape Town. The train was set alight while it was standing on the side tracks.
Untu general-secretary Steve Harris said that they had no choice but to take these drastic measures against vandals.
"Untu has no choice but to demand from the legislature to impose life imprisonment for these crimes – similar to that imposed for offences of premeditated murder, gang rape, serial rape and treason," Harris said.
Harris said that the railway lines have become "a war zone" and this is unacceptable.