Fraud News

Soaring identity theft problem spurs education forum

Author: Darrell Clem / Source: HometownLife

Experts say identity theft hit an all-time high last year — and the Canton and Plymouth area is certainly not immune.

That’s why state Rep. Jeff Noble of Plymouth has announced a consumer education forum, featuring representatives of the Michigan Attorney General’s Office, at 1 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 15, at the Plymouth District Library.

“We’re trying to get as many people as possible informed about this, especially older folks, to keep them from being taken advantage of,” Noble said.

Jeff Noble
Jeff Noble (Photo: File Photo)

While the elderly can sometimes be more at risk, Noble said identity theft is a crime that can — and does — affect victims of all ages.

Canton police Lt. Michael Steckel cited some of the area’s most common forms of identity theft:

  • Criminals are stealing personal information and using it to obtain money by filing fraudulent unemployment claims.
  • Every year, numerous residents try to file their tax returns, only to learn that someone already has filed…

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