Author: Warwick Ashford / Source: ComputerWeekly
Enterprises adoption of encryption strategies is accelerating, with 41% of those polled saying their organisations have an encryption strategy applied consistently across the enterprise.
For the first time in 12 years, business unit leaders have a higher influence over encryption strategy than IT operations, according to the 2017 Global encryption trends study by the Ponemon Institute. The influence lines of business have on encryption strategy has risen from 10% in 2005 to 30% in 2016.
The Ponemon Institute surveyed more than 5,000 people across multiple industry sectors in the UK, US, Germany, France, Australia, Japan, Brazil, the Russian Federation, Mexico, India, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.
The study notes that encryption is fast becoming a boardroom matter. As a result, business leaders now have the highest influence over encryption strategy, whereas previously, the IT operations function has consistently been most influential in this regard.
The biggest driver encryption is compliance (55%), followed closely by protecting enterprise intellectual property (51%), customer information protection (49%) and protection from external threats (49%).
Another key finding of the study commissioned by Thales e-Security is that organisations continue to show a preference for control over encryption and key management when those activities migrate to the cloud.
Just over two thirds of respondents said they either perform encryption on premise prior to sending data to the cloud, or encrypt in the cloud using keys they generate and manage on premises, while 37% said their organisations…
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