Source: GulfNews
Doctors at Burjeel Hospital hope to help bedridden Egyptian woman sit up in six months time
Eman Atti, Heaviest woman in the World is being taken from the Ambulance into the Burgeel Hospital in Abu Dhab Image Credit: Abdul Rahman/Gulf News -
Dr Yassin Al Shahat discusses the treatment plan for Eman Ahmad along with Dr Nabeel Debouni, medical director
Abu Dhabi
Eman Abdul Atti, believed to have once been the world’s heaviest woman, has been weighed after arrival since arriving in the capital for treatment, hospital authorities said. But her medical team at the Burjeel Hospital would not disclose her current weight.
Instead, they called upon the public to respect the 36-year-old Egyptian’s privacy as she undergoes treatment at the hospital.
“We will help reduce her weight using conservative management techniques,” said Dr Yassin Al Shahaat, the hospital’s chief medical officer. “But it not a priority for us to talk about [her weight].” He added that the bed-ridden woman has pressing medical problems.
These include a severe urinary tract infection, bed sores and a leaking heart valve.
This condition, known as aortic regurgitation, is when one of the heart’s main valves leaks and causes blood to flow in the reverse direction. “We must resolve these issues before looking at long-term treatment,” Al Shahaat added.
Thereafter, the doctors hope to enhance Abdul Atti’s quality of life, including having her sit up.
Abdul Atti arrived in the capital on Thursday night after undergoing bariatric, or weight-loss, surgery at Mumbai’s Saifee Hospital.
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