Author: Lee Mathews / Source: Forbes
Your WeMo Smart Home Can Spy On Your Android Smartphone
Security experts will tell you that one of the best ways to protect yourself from a malware infection or security breach is to keep your software up-to-date. Running outdated versions that cybercriminals can compromise is simply a bad idea. So, why would anyone put off installing a Windows update that Microsoft considered critical, like the one that fixed a vulnerability exploited by the WannaCry ransomware?
Sometimes it’s because system administrators fear that some part of the update process could go awry and lead to service interruptions. Even when things do go as planned, there can still be unwanted complications. That’s the reality five Australian hospitals are dealing with this week.
In the wake of the WannaCry outbreak, Queensland Health moved quickly to ensure that the proper protections were put in place. In addition to Windows, Citrix and clinical workflow software from Cerner was also patched. While the updates “protected…
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